在我们的过境电气化系列的最后一期, 我想就北美运输车队电气化的未来提出一些想法, 随着越来越多的公共交通机构努力向环境可持续发展过渡, zero-emission model.
考虑到零排放交通的发展方向, 请记住,汽车电气化技术是 continuously evolving and improving. So, every transit agency, 无论他们的车队电气化之旅有多远, 每隔几年还要重新审视和评估他们的计划吗. The capital investment and operating costs that lay ahead 在这段时间内,电气化技术的发展会对其产生重大影响吗.
虽然没有人能保证这项技术在未来几年将如何发展, 有足够的指标可以让我们很好地了解事情的发展方向.
Doug Parker is a transportation systems engineer and planner, 专门协助公共机构应用先进技术. 他是交通技术咨询领域公认的领导者, 与AG平台的运输技术咨询业务密切合作.
His 33 years of experience spans all public transit modes, including rail, fixed route bus, bus rapid transit, ferries, demand responsive transit, and rural transit. It also includes the full range of transit technologies, including those in support of planning, operations management, public information, revenue management, security, and business intelligence.
Doug has been involved with numerous planning, 研究和评估工作,包括区域部署计划的发展, architectures, evaluations, 以及几个交通合作研究项目.