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Central Region COMPASS Transportation Management Centre

Seamlessly amalgamating two former traffic management centres located in Toronto and Burlington, the MTO’s Central Region COMPASS Transportation Management Centre (CRCTMC) monitors traffic in the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area.

78,000平方英尺 大小
2014 完成

The Central Region COMPASS Transportation Management Centre or CRCTMC is a high-tech facility, that together with the freeway management system infrastructure allows Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation operations staff to monitor traffic congestion on urban freeways across the GTHA. The system helps reduce congestion and pollution on Canada’s most travelled road network, while increasing response times and safety for all its travellers.

IBI worked with the Ministry to accomplish key objectives for the new and improved transportation management centre: accommodating current and future needs, operationalizing large-scale events in the region, 利用最新的技术, and accomplishing a trouble-free migration from the former facilities with no downtime to ongoing operations. 开业后不久, the upgraded facility on Arrow Road provided oversight of traffic and movement in the 23 municipalities involved in hosting the largest multi-sport event Canada has hosted to date, 2015年泛美/泛美运动会.

Our role involved the electronic fit-in design of the new CRCTMC. 这项工作分为五个主要方面:

  • Communications outside plant and network design
  • COMPASS central computer network system integration
  • 视频管理系统设计
  • Equipment room layout and infrastructure design
  • Control room space layout and operator console design

Highlights of the design included a state-of-the-art large feature video display wall, 关联内容管理系统, and industry best practice data centre and IT network design.


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